Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Adventures in Africa

I know it's been a while since I updated again, but I'm beginning to realize that it's almost impossible for me to find time to do this more than once a week.  So I hope you guys don't mind but I'll probably end up posting weekly.  So with that said here are my adventures for the week:

Last Tuesday was Valentine's Day :-)  The activities
committee got together and planned a fun day for all of us.  We were all assigned a random valentine for the day, I got a lovely lady named Katie.  The events of the day started after class and we began with setting up the slip n slide.  We used up a whole gallon of dish soap for the slip n slide and probably spent an hour of our time throwing ourselves down the hill in soap.  This was so much fun and there were moments when I
My Dinner Table :-)
went down the hill at insanely fast speeds because we had so much soap.  I ended getting covered in mud and soap but it was quite worth it! After the slip and slide we all washed up went to class and prepared for our Valentines dinner.  The Valentines dinner theme was: "Would you love me if I wore this?"  So we all had to dress up really crazy for dinner.  We had places set up for us to sit with our Valentine for dinner and it was great to get to know new people by having the arranged seating.  Dinner was quite entertaining; we had someone serenade their valentine, some boys went on stage and had a poetry slam, and we all enjoyed taking pictures at the photo booth. Overall, Valentines day was great!!! It's definitely one I will remember!

 On Wednesday, I was expecting to just get homework done, but that soon changed.  My friend was getting her nose pierced that day so she invited me and some girls to come along.  I was excited about this because I had actually been thinking about getting my nose pierced.  I went with my friend expecting to watch her and then maybe set up a day to do my own nose later.  However once we were at the tattoo shop and I saw my friend get hers done, everyone else convinced me to do it too.  So I went for it!  It didn't hurt as bad as I was expecting, it kind of just felt like a long pinch.  But what I wasn't expecting was blood!  Once the needle was pulled out of my nose, blood began to drip out too.  This didn't happen to my friend, so I was a bit nervous.  But the guy piercing my nose said it happens to some people.  After a minute the bleeding stopped and everything was fine.  That definitely made my day more eventful but I'm glad I got my nose pierced when I did! :-) Now I just can't wait till it's completely healed and I can change the nose ring!  Later that day after lunch, a group of us went to Howick Falls and we were able to see a huge waterfall as well as do some souvenir shopping.  It was fun to get away from campus for a bit and the waterfall was absolutely gorgeous!

On Friday, I went rock climbing!  I wasn't expecting to do this but about 20 minutes before leaving I found some friends who were planning on going, so I went too!  I love rock climbing but I haven't done it for a bit over a year.  We discovered a rock climbing gym in town that we could go to and after spending a long time finding it, we finally began climbing!  There were many options on the wall but I stuck to some of the easier ones.  I made it half way up a harder one and all the way up an easy wall.  I also got a refresher lesson on how to belay, so after that I was able to belay for some of my friends while I rested.  We spent a good hour there but next time we plan on staying longer since we know where it is already.
Over the weekend we had a trip to see some South African battlefields planned. The place we were headed was about a 4 hour drive away so we would spend the night at a hotel on Saturday night.  Saturday morning we all jumped on a big charter bus and began our long drive to see the battlefields.  The bus ride turned out to be a lot of fun!  The seats were very comfortable surprisingly and we all had a lot of fun chatting.  About an hour into the drive, we began playing games with most of the people on the bus. We played truth or dare and make it or break it.  It was fun to play these games with everyone because everyone got really into them and we were able to get to know everyone better.  These games helped pass the time and after about 4 and a half hours on the bus we had finally arrived to the first battlefield!  Our first battlefield was Isandlwana, at this site the British attempted to attack the Zulus.  The Zulus however had seen the British coming and were able to attack them instead, which lead to their victory.  We next visited the Rorkes Drift hospital.  The few remaining British soldiers from Isandlwana escaped to this location during the battle and prepared other men for Zulu attack.  The Zulu later crossed onto British territory to attack them at this location.  The Zulu were able to defeat many British soldiers and surrounded them inside of the hospital but after a long battle
jumping on the hotel bed :)
they retreated and returned to their own land.  After visiting these two sites we arrived at our hotel for the night.  The hotel was absolutely gorgeous and is actually one of the oldest buildings in the town.  We were served an incredibly delicious meal for dinner that night and eventually went back to our rooms to sleep.  The next day we visited one more battlefield called Blood River.  At this site the Zulu attacked the Afrikaans, but prior to the battle the Afrikaans made a vow to God that they would honor that day as a Sabbath if He aided
Blood River
them in their victory.  The Zulu eventually attacked them at this location but the Afrikaans were victorious.  It was determined that 3,000 Zulu warriors died that day, which is why the river is known as blood river, but not a single Afrikaans died.  This amazing defeat blew my mind when I heard it and the Afrikaans stuck to their vow because they continue to honor that day every year.  Even though battlefields aren't the most exciting things to see, I had a fantastic weekend.  It was great to be at the places were history occurred and picture the events take place.  The places we visited were absolutely gorgeous, I had a great time on the bus ride playing games with everyone, the food was delicious, and it was great to get away for the weekend!

Since this weekend there haven't been too many adventures, but I'll keep you updated!  Hope all is well!

God Bless,

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