Monday, February 13, 2012

The Most Beautiful Place on Earth

On Saturday we woke up early to go to Drakensberg and go on a hike there to see some Bushmen paintings.  I had no idea what to expect and was a bit cranky because I barely got sleep the night before.

About an hour and a half into the drive though all my feelings about the day began to change.  When we left campus it was cloudy and rainy but suddenly we passed through the clouds and the whole scenery began to change.  It was sunny now and we had made it into the mountains, where there was green grass and rolling hills everywhere.  Once I noticed this change in setting, I realized the day was about to be much better than I expected!

For the last half hour of the drive we drove through a valley with luscious green fields and hills all around us.  We drove by little villages on the way and many people were waving at us as we passed.  There was one moment where we drove by three little kids jumping on a car and waving at us.  They were so happy to see us and it overjoyed me to know how happy these kids were despite their circumstances.  I wish I could have got a picture of the kids jumping on the car but I have a feeling that will be an image that stays in my head for a long time.  We continued driving through the valley and up hillsides.  There was a beautiful clear flowing river in the middle of the valley and I was just dumbfounded that such beauty could exist.  I had already thought South Africa was gorgeous, but this drive made it even more beautiful than I thought possible.

After these breathtaking views we eventually arrived at our stopping point.  Our group split up into two groups to go on the hike to the Bushmen paintings.  So we ate lunch and then began our journey.  The hike was easy and pretty short but we took much longer than necessary because we were stopping every two minutes to take pictures of the incredible beauty.  When we made it to the caves where they have the Bushmen paintings, a guide joined us and told us a little about the paintings and the meanings behind them. Unfortunately, it was very difficult to understand her
Bushmen Cave Paintings
through her accent so there aren't any facts I can recall.  Once we saw these paintings we continued on the hike that would take us along the river and back to where we started.  When we were walking along the river, I was in a state of complete bliss.  I don't think I could have been happier!  I was at the most beautiful place I've ever been, in gorgeous sunny weather that wasn't too hot, and with incredible friends.  When we were hiking my friends and I kept talking about how we wouldn't mind if we got lost or left behind there because we would love to spend the rest of our lives living there.  Some of us stopped along the river and played in the water.  We had a fun photo shoot with someone's waterproof 
camera and used up every minute of time we had in Drakensberg. We then returned to our meeting spot just in time to use the restroom and buy some souvenirs at the gift shop before leaving.  It was sad to leave such a beautiful spot, but I told myself I’d be back someday.  The place where we hiked is called Giants Castle and they have chalets that can be rented out, so I think it would be amazing to someday return and spend a week or more there enjoying God's magnificent beauty.  I wish I could better put into words the beauty of this place but I don't think even the most carefully selected words could describe how I felt being at this gorgeous place called Drakensberg.  

Hopefully these pictures help you understand the beauty of this place but believe me even these don't compare to the real thing.


Hope you enjoyed the pictures!  Most of them were taken by friends but I figured I would show you the ones that best exemplify the beauty of Drakensberg.

God Bless,

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